Remember that one controversy where Ted Cruz suggested we should keep an eye on Mosques? Leftists about lost their minds.
Well, the conservatives are right ONCE AGAIN after what was just discovered inside ANOTHER Mosque.
VIA| ClashDaily has raised the point from time to time. We’ve seen weapons-caches recovered from mosques. Is that important? What about when they found weapons and Jihadist documents at another Mosque.
Even Egypt — in an effort to combat terrorism — closed 27,000 mosques. Is EGYPT ‘islamophobic’ now? Seriously? Mathematically alone, at some point we won’t be able to say ‘another isolated incident’ anymore. Right?
Now, in Pakistan, we learn about the recovery of SUICIDE Jackets. Two of them. And about 12 pounds of explosives.
In a MOSQUE. More specifically in the room of the mosque’s PRAYER LEADER.
Here is the photo:
Just detonate them “IN PLACE” and use enough explosives to “make sure all the area has been cleared of more”
mohammed himself designated Mosques as Armories and Places to Plan attacks. So they are just performing their religious duty.
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Marek Numerato napsal:jen za sebe dodám malé upÅ™esnÄ›nà k celé té debatÄ›. Já si nemyslÃm, že by se dal ancap realizovat na celém územà ČR (78 866 km2). BavÃm se spÃÅ¡ o tom, že menÅ¡Ã skupinka lidà sdÃlejÃcÃch stejné hodnoty (může jich být tisÃc, 10 tis., 100 tis., nevÃm) vyhlásà na ÄŒR nezávislost a bude si žÃt po svém bez potÅ™eby vytvářet nÄ›jaké státnà instituce. Nebo se sebere do New Hampshire, na nÄ›jaký ostrov apod.
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