Donald Trump Just Released His Final Ad Before Iowa… And It’s EXPLODING on Facebook

The razor-tight Iowa Caucus is just hours away, and candidates are pulling out all the stops.

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is well known for his brief, 15-20 second ads on Facebook, typically featuring the candidate alone in his office addressing the viewer.

So when Trump released his “final” ad before Iowa on Facebook tonight, it created quite a stir. First because of his length– nearly two minutes. And second, because of its high-production value — a first for Trump — blending together a dizzying array of news reports, rally footage, comments from supporters, and speech clips.

In just 4 hours, it has garnered a staggering 1.2 million views on Facebook, and over 60,000 likes, and counting; one of the top 3 most viral video clips of the day.

Here is the ad:

Love Trump, or hate him, that was one damn good ad.

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  • Wow… holds the attention. People have had enough of deaf government agendas in unchecked usury of them and their families and friends. Enough is enough. Trump 2016

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