New Jersey Man is Willing to Go to Jail For Right to Support Donald Trump. And He Just Might.

If Donald Trump ever wonders who his most loyal fan is, that man might just live in New Jersey.

The man, Joe Hornick, has been flying multiple “Make America Great Again” flags on his property, which is in violation of political signage laws in New Jersey.

CBS New York reported that:

A New Jersey man who’s been flying Donald Trump’s campaign flag in front of his home since February could face up to a $2,000 fine or jail time when he faces a judge in the case.

Hornick actually flies two Trump flags day and night, and lights them up when it gets dark. They’ve been ripped down five times so far.

Even though Hornick is facing possible jail time, he remains undeterred in his support of Trump. He said:

“I’m not taking the flag down, and if I do 90 days in jail, I’ll do 90 days in jail.”

Hornick argues that his flags aren’t ‘political signage.’

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  • He is just the epitome of living life in accord with His belief and principle…SALUTE!

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