A Homeless Man Was Down To His Last Fifty Cents, What One Burger King Did For Him Is…

Sometimes young people surprise us by doing truly kind things for strangers. Here’s one such story and the surprise ending just adds another layer of “awesome,” as far as we’re concerned.

Matthew Resendez is a young man whose mother Michelle raised him to always know right from wrong. All of Michelle’s hard work nurturing him just paid off in a big way when he was approached by a homeless man while working his normal shift at Burger King.

Matthew was in the middle of his normal shift when the homeless man walked up to him with a handful of coins asking for food. Instead of turning him away, Matthew did something for the homeless man that made his mother very proud!

Photo Credit: Viral Stories

He didn’t beg for mercy but asked the young Matthew what he could afford to buy with the cash he had. He gave Matthew 50 cents and asked what he could afford on the menu.

Though Matthew realized those coins weren’t enough even to get the cheapest entree the establishment featured, he didn’t turn the homeless man away, but alternatively, he did the most incredible thing, he showed sympathy towards someone who was in need of it the most.

Matthew ordered a hearty meal and paid using his own debit card. He then handed the man the receipt and asked him to relax in a seat.

Photo Credit: Viral Stories

This act of kindness shared between Matthew and the man (and alternatively his family, should the teen choose to share the story) alone would have been a happy and heartwarming one.

After all, this small act of kindness had certainly helped out a stranger in need, and that in itself is often plenty of a reward and happy enough an ending.

Photo Credit: Viral Stories

Karma chose that very moment to reward this young man, however.

Unbeknownst to Matthew, there was a woman seated nearby in that restaurant who had watched the entire interaction between the two.

She decided to encourage Matthew’s generosity and kindness by not only giving him a generous tip of $100 but also wrote to the company to inform them about the kind employee they have in Matthew!

Watch the video below for more details:

Sources: OpposingViews, Stuff