Biden Forced To Cut Bait On One Of His Top ATF Picks!


After moderates opposed to David Chipman’s nomination to lead the ATF, the White House will withdraw his candidacy, dealing President Biden a critical loss on a platform promise to tighten federal gun rules.

According to CBS reports:

The White House will likely withdraw the nomination of David Chipman to serve as director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), according to two people familiar with the situation, amid bipartisan concerns about his past gun control advocacy.

President Biden tapped Chipman in April to lead the agency, which has not had a Senate-approved director since 2015. It’s unclear when the White House will pull Chipman’s nomination or if Mr. Biden will name a new nominee immediately.

The Reportdoor also reported:

The demise of Chipman’s nomination to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives was reported by the Washington Post, Politico, and Fox News. The White House did not immediately issue a statement.

It’s the second major Biden nomination to flop. Neera Tanden, Biden’s nominee to be White House budget director, was yanked after an uproar over attack tweets she issued against the very senators whose votes were needed for confirmation.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, applauded the news.

Chipman is so radical that ATF agents urged the senate not to confirm him.

In a recent interview, David Chipman labeled gun-owners “Tiger Kings” who need to hide their guns behind their “tuna and beef jerky” in their cabinets. Then he added they only need to bring out their guns if the zombies start to appear.

Donald Trump Jr. led the charge in a campaign to take Chipman out and he succeeded.

Over the summer Don Jr. called on red-state Democrat senators such as Manchin (WV) and Tester (MT) to oppose Biden’s choice to lead the ATF.

Chipman’s demise is the second Biden nominee to get taken out by a conservative campaign.

Sources: Thegatewaypundit, Cbsnews, Yahoo, Reportdoor