He Saw A Man Alone At Arlington Cemetery, When He Saw Who It Is He…

Army veteran David Brown was visiting the graves of fallen friends in Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans’ Day when he spotted a lone but familiar figure also visiting the graves in Section 60, which is where recent casualties are being interred.  That other visitor was secretary of defense James Mattis, a retired four-star Marine general.

Brown immediately share his encounter with Mattis in a viral Facebook post, noting that he himself was visiting the graves of two of his fallen friends in combat when “I met a lone man walking the stones at Section 60.” He continued that he watched Mattis “listen patiently to stories from surviving friends and family members. “

Mattis, a retired Marine Corps general, himself led many into battle and commanded some of the troops who are buried there. Mattis led the I Marine Expeditionary Force, U.S. Marine Forces Central Command, and 1st Marine Division during the Iraq War.

Brown mentioned a story where a man told Mattis that his deceased Marine son’s hero was Mattis. Mattis replied by saying his son was his hero.

“James Mattis is one of those living legends who transcends politics and ideology,” Brown wrote. “His job is his life, and that job is the welfare of this country and its servicemembers. This Veterans Day, I send a special thanks to James Mattis, for not taking today off.”

Photo Credit: U.S. CENTCOM via Wikimedia Commons, David Brown/Facebook
According to Opposing Views, many readers expressed gratitude towards Mattis for spending his Veterans Day at Arlington instead of taking the day off.

“General Mattis does the right thing, without the fanfare that his predecessors would have arranged,” one reader commented on Facebook. “He like others before him are what we know as ‘Soldiers, soldiers’. Thank you General Mattis for your service and your compassion.”

“Glad you shared this story,” wrote another commenter. “I am one American who appreciates and respects all of our brave men and women who serve in our military and honor those who have given their life in the fight to preserve our freedom and our way of life. God bless all the men and women who have served in our military.”

“A beautiful story and glad you shared,” another wrote. “Thanks for being one of those that help keep our country free As for Mathis he is a man of honor and a caring and loving person.”

Sources: OpposingViews, Independent Journal Review