Understandably not much should be expected from Hillary voters, not when they are blind and easily fooled by her fabrication of all things Hillary DESPITE…all the evidence of her being a liar…but you know, that’s just another definition of “stupid”, when you see the truth, but still believe the lies…and let me tell you, the STUPID is really strong with these voters of hers…

Just to be clear in case for some OFF THE WALL reason, Hillary Voters see this…

The Bill Of Rights are not for the likes of Hillary Clinton to change as she pleases. They are rights set in place to protect the people by bestowing upon us certain liberties, and keeping the government from going all powermonger crazy…

Yet, there you are, entrusting one woman, who is a proven liar, schemer, and cheat to do whatever it is she wants with them…as if she could. Although comedic, this is also very scary. Please stay out of the voting booths, or pick up a book and learn about your constitution. It will in fact, do you, and the entirety of America some good.

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