Plastic Surgery Addict Finally Goes Too Far…

You know what, I get plastic surgery. I also get tattoos.

I am not the type of person that would feel the need to get either done, because I am not exactly that fond of needles or doing things that would be a pain to reverse.

But like I said, I totally get it. However, there are people that to be perfectly honest go too damn far when it comes to plastic surgery.

Sometimes, some of these people put more weight on a trailer than it is capable of hauling.

Yeah, I am talking about the woman that this five foot even that gets breast implants that are so big the Fifty Foot Woman from that old movie would tell them to slow the heck down.

And the tattoos, my God some of these people go overboard when it comes to getting ink.

For some folks, it’s just a cute little drawing that they have on their arm.

Some people tend to go completely and totally overboard when it comes to getting a tattoo.

Like the people that get their eyeballs tattooed. I mean first of all, why?

I can’t possibly think of anything that could go wrong by having someone stick an ink covered needle into your eyeball several hundred times.

I mean hell, I got shampoo in my eyes the other day when I was in the shower and it stung like hell for a minute.

There are just so many things that can go wrong with an eyeball tattoo that you have to wonder how it is even worth the risk.

One such person who has gotten one of these is a thirty year old model named Mary Magdalene.

She is someone that to be blunt, has taken both getting tattoos and plastic surgery procedures to a ridiculous extreme.

At one point during this journey, she got here eyeballs inked up and in the ensuing couple of years has grown to severely regret it.

She has apparently begun to experience severe headaches and has started to experience severely blurry vision.

You have to wonder what gets into the heads of people to do things like this, you have to think its more of a mental health issue than anything else.

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