These Are The Top Health Benefits To You Going Fishing Sometime Soon…

When I was younger, I grew up in a small town that had a river running through it about a half mile away from my house. It was almost the perfect spot to grow up in, for the fact that there was always a ready-made spot for me to go fishing.

It was great, even if I didn’t catch anything that day. Even if I didn’t go but for a half hour, almost every day hat I had free time I would walk to the lake with my tiny portable folding chair and sit for a little while.

I have to say, there is something about the fact that you are just sitting there and hoping something comes along. I guess that’s one thing that fishing always taught me is that to always have hope. It’s actually a pretty good way to look at things I think.

I’m in my forties now, and I haven’t seen that river I was just talking about for at least a few Presidential terms. That being said, I still try to get out onto the water every so often and just sit there holding a fishing pole. Shoot, I don’t even bring my phone. I leave it in the car. I have one of those watches you can make phone calls on so if I hear the thing ring I know it must be important.

Fishing is good for you in so many different ways that it isn’t even funny…

Full Body Strength

The protagonist in Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea battles a great marlin for 3 days. That’s one strong dude. Your average hobbyist won’t be called on to strain day and night to reel in an adversary. But battling even a small fish calls engages the shoulders, back, arms, core and legs in an excruciating workout. Fishing encourages sportsmen and women to train their body so that they have the strength when the time comes for the big catch.

Family Bonding

Fishing is a skill passed on through the generations, with grandfathers taking the younger kids out to a familiar pond and instructing them how to hook a worm. Spending time with your family promotes feelings of security and well-being, making fishing a worthwhile activity to learn.

Boosts Immune System

Vitamin D helps your body regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, two minerals that improve immune system function and help defend against disease. The best source of vitamin D is a day outdoors under the sun.

Promotes Relaxation

A beautiful day spent in a mountain stream followed by a dinner of grilled fish. Sounds idyllic doesn’t it? Spending long hours in nature with a focused task is akin to meditation, an activity linked to lowered blood pressure and decreased anxiety.

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