If ya thought buying NFTs was weird, the “90 Day Fiancé” star tells TMZ … she’s already banked about $100,000 from selling her jarred farts to fans, but her process almost put the artist in the hospital.
Stephanie Matto, 31, became a controversial star after appearing on 90 Day Fiance. Although her relationship with Erika was all sorts of problematic, it doesn’t end there. That’s because she became the celebrity who sold her farts in a jar to bizarre fetishists to earn her livelihood. Hence, this made her Tik Tok famous and quite rich.
But, she had to stop indulging in this business after the star took a trip down to the hospital. She had intentionally made herself gassy.
Stephanie has been very forthright about her second business selling farts in a jar to online buyers. She even delivered a few interviews about her efforts describing her success in the so-called “gas industry.”
Back in December last year, Stephanie told her YouTube fans trying to explain how busy she has been with her side hustle selling farts in jars.
“So, I know it’s been a while, I have been very, very busy with a new business venture which has just been exploding.”
So, just what does a career in cutting the cheese entail? In another video titled “day in the life of a girl who sells her farts in a jar,” Stephanie shared that she “gets things rolling” in the morning by having high-protein foods such as beans and hardboiled eggs.
“Now, why do people buy my farts in a jar? I honestly think it’s because I have a really good personality, and also because I’m hot,” she said with a wink. Stephanie added, “It’s a business.”
In addition to her work selling farts, Stephanie has also launched a website called Unfilrd, where content creators can gain paying subscribers to view their unique “talents.” The website operates on a similar subscription model to OnlyFans. It gives content creators a chance to interact with their fans and receive monetary support from them.
“Working on my own adult-friendly platform these past few months has made me very aware of the different types of niches and markets that are out there,” she told BuzzFeed. “Over the years, I’ve gotten a few messages from men and women wanting to buy my worn bras, panties, hair, bath water, etc. I thought farts were super niche but also something fun, quirky, and different! It’s almost like a novelty item!”
Stephanie sells her fart jars for about $1,000 each.
Now, while she seemed to be making money relatively easily, hand over butt, she soon ran into some supply-and-demand issues. You may not think of farts as a scarce commodity, especially if your significant other or roommate regularly stinks up the room. But do the math.
According to reports, Stephanie was producing up to 50 fart jars a week. That’s quite a lot of flatus to produce. Unless you sleep with a jar on your butt, you ain’t going to catch wind of everything that comes out of your rear. So apparently Stephanie changed her diet to give her body more gas.
Her diet is fiber-high, living off of beans and eggs. When she realized that consuming protein shakes could make her farts smell worse, she added them to the mix. Because who wants farts that don’t smell that bad.
“Everyone farts, some people more than others. The average is 5 to 15 times a day,” UK NHS noted. That may be enough to keep your others out of the room when you want some alone time. But it won’t be enough for a farting business to scale.
Watch the video below for more details: