Why Students Don’t Want To Learn About World War Two Anymore Is Absolutely Insane…

If you, Gen-Z and Millennials, are weary of being seen as soft, as I assume you must be, then you need to find better spokespersons for your generation. Simply put, this guy makes you look horrible…

There are certain subjects that all students learn from the time they begin school until they graduate from high school. They study subjects including history, reading, writing, and math. These are crucial topics for pupils to learn in order to manage life as adults and understand the world around them.

However, this young Instagram “influencer,” claims that learning about World War II, the most destructive conflict in history, could be bad for children’s mental health.

Reality TV star Freddie Bentley, 22, told Good Morning Britain today that he thinks schools should trim back what they teach on the conflict.

‘It was a hard situation, World War Two, I don’t want anyone to think I’m being disrespectful,’ he said, but added: ‘I remember learning it as a child thinking “Oh my God it’s so intense”.’

The argument was raised on the UK’s Good Morning Britain episode, “Do Millenials Need to Know About WWII?”

The Second World War involved the Nazis and concentration camps that killed millions of innocent people, so this young Instagram “influencer” thinks that it is “too intense” of a conflict to teach millennials about, in the piece on GMB. Bentley claims that children shouldn’t be required to learn about World War II. He feels that the subject is given too much time.

He believes that the focus on the death and destruction of war is too much for young impressionable minds. He urged that Great Britain’s schools should be easier for its students and quit teaching them about the deadly battle that drew Europe into a bloody war.

He gave a very important message for all the teachers in America: stop teaching children about the Second World War. He contends that educating children about World War II will have a negative impact on their mental health and harm the collective psyche of millennials.

He continued:

“I don’t think encouraging death or telling people how many people died in the world war is going to make it better. There’s so many problems going on in the world, like Brexit, that’s not taught in schools. When I left school it hit me like a ton of bricks – I didn’t know anything to do with life.”

He suggested replacing a portion of the time given to World War II topics with things that could prepare pupils for when they leave school, such as how to get a mortgage or how to understand Brexit.

However, after Bentley claimed that learning about World War II would harm children’s mental health, people quickly flocked to social media to criticize his comments, saying individuals who do not study history are doomed to repeat its horrors.

One person wrote, “You need to learn respect, young man!”

Similar comments to Bentley’s remarks on how teachers should be “easy on the kids” who are eager to learn about the glorious victory of the Allies who overcame the Nazis were made by other users on Twitter.

One person wrote, “Are you having a laugh!”

“Not talking about the war in school? Not educating them on what went wrong so it doesn’t happen again? You need to learn respect, young man.”

“This kid on (Good Morning Britain) is an idiot. What has the Second World War got to do with mental health,” another person wrote.

“This made me so angry! Without people fighting that war, then idiots like this kid wouldn’t have the right to do what or be who they want! They fought for our freedom! So, learn about it, you, cretin!”

I’m not suggesting that you take an IQ test before following someone on Instagram or anything, but try to avoid making people like this famous.

Sincerely, as I mentioned, it only makes you look horrible as a generation.

Watch it here: Youtube/ Good Morning Britain

Sources: Awm, Keytobeing, Dawgonnit