WOW! Joe Biden’s Poll Numbers In A Big Blue State Have Cratered!

Joe Biden is not as popular as he once was, even in Massachusetts – a state considered a lock for the Democratic Party.

On Thursday, a recent poll result was published by Civiqs wherein the now-unpopular Biden gets a 55% disapproval from Massachusetts residents, while only 34% approve the way he handles his job as so-called President.

According to a Daily Caller report, this is the first time Biden gets a higher disapproval vote since he becomes President in the state of Massachusetts.

Meaning his own people is already sick of his inept leadership bringing disastrous problems to America.

According to the polling, which has been conducted every month since April 2021. Only 43% of Massachusetts voters disapproved of Biden in Civiqs’ May poll, a ten-point difference between May and June.

Daily Caller has more details of this report: 

Massachusetts, a deep blue state that went almost 66% for Biden in the 2020 general election, shows the president has high disapproval numbers among almost all voting blocks.

The poll shows that almost 50% of young voters ages 18-34 disapprove of Biden’s job as president. Forty-six percent of voters 35- to 49-years-old disapprove of Biden, while just 37% approve. The numbers even out at 46% approval/disapproval among voters ages 50-64 and decrease to 34% disapproval among voters 65 and older.

Only 12% of Democratic voters in Massachusetts disapprove of how Biden is running the country, but the number skyrockets to 95% among Republican voters. More Independent voters (63%) disapprove than approve (24%) of the president.

White voters in Massachusetts are more likely to disapprove of Biden than Black or Hispanic voters. Over 56% of Black voters, 55% of Hispanic voters, and 41% of White voters in the state approve of Biden’s job as president.

These numbers mimic Biden’s approval numbers nationwide, with 55% of Americans pointing at their frustration toward the president, reported Civiqs.

Back in April, an unknown Democratic strategist speculated that Biden’s disapproval numbers will haunt the Democratic Party in the midterms.

“The problem is simple. The American people have lost confidence in [Biden], You have an energy crisis that’s paralyzing and inflation is at a 40-year high and we’re heading into a recession.”

The results paint a troubling outlook for Democrats heading into the midterm elections this November.

Sources: DailyCaller, Civiqs

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