Sick Pervert Don Lemon Has Been Hit With Some Amazingly Bad News!


The pressure is inevitable for Don Lemon as his BFF Jeff Zucker got the boot at CNN and left Don and Brian Stelter hanging there like two dead ducks on a wire, WayneDupree said in their latest commentary piece.

Now that Discovery CEO David Zaslav has found his replacement for former CNN chief Jeff Zucker, many people believe Don is high on the list to get cut from CNN. Don Lemon doesn’t fit into that “mold.” 

One this is sure right now, the new owner will give CNN a “makeover” and bring them back to their glory days, before TDS and fake news destroyed them.

Well, speaking of cleaning the garbage in CNN, Don Lemon seems to top the lists with sexual harassment lawsuits hanging over his head.

Yes, you read it right, Don Lemon is being accused of sexually harassing a waiter in the Hamptons and things aren’t going all that well for Don, and he just took his most brutal blow yet.

Radar Online gives us the latest update of Don Lemon’s sexual harassment case:

A man who claims to have watched Don Lemon assault his friend will be allowed to testify in court.

According to court documents obtained by Radar, a New York federal judge ruled Lemon’s accuser will be allowed to call two additional witnesses to the stand.

As we previously reported, Lemon is currently being sued for sexual assault by a man named Dustin Hice.

In his suit, Hice claims he ran into Lemon at Murf’s Backstreet Tavern in Sag Harbor bar in 2018.

He claims to have noticed the newscaster at the bar and approached him. Hice says he offered to buy Lemon a drink but he declined.

Moments later, Hice claims Lemon approached him aggressively and got into his face. Lemon allegedly stuck his hands down his pants and rubbed them on his genitals.
Hice says Lemon took his hands out and put his fingers under Hice’s nose. The news anchor denies the incident ever happened.

Recently, he even accused Hice of deleting evidence including homophobic text messages. Lemon believes the alleged victim even tried to pay off people to back up his story.

Wayne Dupree further commented:

This is a damning blow for Don Lemon. We’ve heard in the past there was a “credible witness” who saw what happened… now we know there is, and that person will testify.

I think it’ll be very difficult for Don Lemon to weasel out of this one, especially if it’s not just a “he said/he said” situation. They set the trial to start in June.

I wonder if Don will even have a job at CNN by that time?

Sources: WayneDupree, Radar Online