After Paying A MASSIVE Child Support Check, His Father Sent Him One Final Text…

A father was so tormented by financial stress that he decided to do the unthinkable.

45-year-old Ian Sandywell didn’t know where else to turn and ended up sending his son one final text before ending his life. Just hours after receiving a letter ordering the man to pay £11,000 (approximately $17,000) in back child support for his now adult son, Sandywell sent his son a last message and then hanged himself.

According to Mirror, Ian was said to have been “crying and upset” after receiving the order and texted his 22-year-old son, Ben: “Delete me out of your life please. I’m going to hang myself.”

An inquest into his death heard the normally ‘laid back’ 45-year-old had been upset by a demand that he pays the money back within two years.

His wife, Jo-ann Balsamo, said, “He was upset. He was crying. He said he was concerned about the amount of money they wanted on a monthly basis, which was £520. It was stressful for him. I was surprised how upset he was. We had letters before and he was going to go through the appeals process. By the end of the conversation he had calmed down and we said goodbye normally.”

Balsamo’s daughter had gone to the house earlier and saw the lights on, the TV paused, and the door unlocked, but she didn’t see her stepfather. When Balsamo arrived home around 7 p.m., she found him in the garage and called the paramedics, who pronounced Sandywell dead at the scene.

Alcohol was found in his system which was twice the legal driving limit.

Ian Sandywell had been paying child support for 13 years, but then he fell behind. The request for the $17,000 was more than he had ever previously been told to pay. Balsamo said the “rude letters” left her husband “in despair” over fear he couldn’t make those payments and the mortgage payments.

The coroner said that Ian Sandywell was concerned about the child support payments and his texts that day contained “rather silly things” and didn’t think “anyone would have believed him for a minute.” Those final texts to his son did end up being his final words before he followed through and hanged himself.

Sources: OpposingViews, MirrorDaily Mail