Joe Biden has two strikes against him in the Democratic primary, He’s old and he’s white. He thought telling lies to black voters would help convince them he’s got enough...
Now that the Democrat plot to overthrow the White House has been defeated, powerful conservative Trump loyalists are gathering for a council of war. Now is the time to decide...
The Clinton News Network acknowledges the Russians could end up winning the jackpot without even buying a ticket. That’s because all the phony false alarms undermine our faith in our...
Now that President Donald Trump has the full support of the Senate and a green light to do his job, he’s finally cleaning house properly with an outright “purge” of...
The big race that Democrat candidates are really concerned about is the one to the bank for more money. For something that isn’t supposed to matter to socialists, these hypocrites...
All of the Democrats in the running since day one set aside their campaign differences Wednesday night to gang up on the newcomer. They all made one thing perfectly clear,...
As the Democrat race for the the White House runs into Nevada for their Saturday primary, all the odds point to one hard-left big cheese for the winner. CNN’s “poll...
Michael Bloomberg just proved he really is a minion of dark lord Darth Soros. Drudge report broke the news on Saturday that he thinks Hillary Clinton would be a “formidable...
South Carolina conservatives are infuriating Democrats with what they call Operation Chaos. “I guess you could call it meddling,” admits Christopher Sullivan. It’s intentionally designed to disrupt the state’s Democratic...
Vote for Michael Bloomberg and he’ll grant all the illegals amnesty. The Democrat White House contender has more money than he knows what to do with so he’s trying to...