When you are reporting on an incident, you have to try and remain as impartial as possible. However, when it comes to Wayfair, I have an extremely hard time doing that.
Several years ago, before I moved my family across country, we picked out a couple of new pieces of furniture that we ordered from Wayfair. One of them was a coffee table and I have to say it was the biggest pain in the ass dealing with these people. It was a simple coffee table, and they couldn’t get it right.
We got sent four coffee tables that were severely damaged and every time we would get a new one, the replacement was somehow worse than the one it was supposed to replace. After what seemed like a month of trying to get rid of these things the finally sent someone who while in the act of picking them up took a swing at me when I told them they were supposed to pick up something else and they had to be asses about it.
Am I sad that children are being exploited? A resounding yes. Am I happy that Wayfair is getting what is coming to them? YES!
From Eric Neptune:
This is copied and shared from a colleague’s post… But as a father a.k.a. daddy I cannot even imagine… Please bring awareness to this cause.
2000 children go missing PER DAY in the U.S. alone. That’s 800,000 kids vanished every year. Being a parent and knowing that statistic 😷🤮 or even thinking about what those poor children must experience is horrific. 😭💔
Proof after proof is being exposed to us that there IS a global human/child trafficking ring, that it’s a MULTI BILLION dollar business $98 BILLION to be exact….that’s not a typo NINETY EIGHT BILLION (more than the sports & music industry COMBINED) & the elite are involved but yet, it continues to go almost completely unnoticed by the media.
Don’t you find it pretty interesting that 99% of the media is controlled & operated by 6 corporations who could easily manipulate what we are told, see & believe? 🤔👇🏼
Why do you think this major epidemic is rarely being talking about?
More importantly, who do you think would NOT want this kind of news broadcasted for everyone to see?