There IS Now Definitive Proof FBI Is Covering Up Critical Pipe Bomber Evidence

The left might have achieved its goal in using the January 6th events as a political weapon against President Trump, but Conservative pundits are ready to debunk every claim of these Democrats whose main goal was to inflict tyranny upon the American people.

Despite security cameras being everywhere, despite cell phones being everywhere, STILL, the corrupt FBI who are equipped with state-of-the-art technology can’t seem to track the alleged January 6th pipe bomber. Why is that?

Well, all our questions will be answered by Revolver News which exclusively reported on Tuesday that they have definitive proof that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is hiding critical video footage of the January 6th “pipe bomber.”

Things just get more interesting here, the “missing” footage happens to be at the exact moment when the pipe bomb was placed. What are the odds?

The analysis done by Revolver News reveals that the FBI is in possession of, but refusing to release, security camera footage of the January 6th “pipe bomber” planting the pipe bomb at the DNC building at 7:52 p.m. on January 5th.

“…The stationary camera overlooking the DNC park benches — from which the FBI released a clip on March 9, 2021 timestamped approximately 7:42 p.m. on the night of January 5 2021 — should have a clear ‘moneyshot’ picture of the pipe bomber reaching in to his bag and depositing the pipe bomb by the right bottom corner of the circled park bench in the image below…All the FBI needs to do is who the same video camera’s footage from 10 minutes later,” according to Revolver News.

More details of this explosive revelation below:

WLT pointed out that this is not the first time it happens that key government officials have tried to hide something:

This wouldn’t be the first time that key government officials have tried to hide something.

Remember when the federal government infected black men with syphilis (the Tuskegee experiments)? Remember when soldiers were exposed to nuclear material (unbeknownst to them) so that their reactions could be studied?

There are many cases of cover-ups. So is it that hard to believe that security camera footage is intentionally being withheld?

More details of this exclusive report from The ‘Revolver News’:

An exclusive analysis by Revolver News can prove that the FBI is in possession of, but has refused to release, security camera footage of the January 6 pipe bomber planting the pipe bomb at the DNC building at 7:52 p.m. on January 5th.

This extraordinary revelation should be the immediate subject of Congressional inquiry as to why the FBI has stonewalled release of the footage.

An executive summary of the missing footage has been condensed in this video below:

As described above and in more detail below, the stationary camera overlooking the DNC park benches — from which the FBI released a clip on March 9, 2021 timestamped approximately 7:42 p.m. on the night of January 5 2021 — should have a clear “moneyshot” picture of the pipe bomber reaching in to his bag and depositing the pipe bomb by the right bottom corner of the circled park bench in the image below.

All the FBI needs to do is show the same video camera’s footage from 10 minutes later:

We know this because of a simple Google Earth walkthrough (in detail below) and because the pipe bomber is captured at these same park benches on a second security camera whose footage the FBI released on September 8 last year (stillshot from such camera immediately below).

The reason the FBI has been hiding this key camera footage for 18 months is, for now, a matter of speculation.

What is now beyond speculation, however, is that the FBI has dead-on footage of the bomber planting the bomb at the DNC building. Yet despite a $100,000 reward out to the public asking for information leading the bomber’s arrest, the FBI is refusing to share this “moneyshot” footage with the public.

Revolver News covered the FBI and Justice Department sides of the pipe bomb cover-up for all of 2021. What they stated they did not cover at the time, however, was the role of the Secret Service because nothing was publicly known about the Secret Service’s role in the pipe bomb sage until November of 2021, 10 months after the event.

You can continue reading HERE.

Sources: WLT, Revolver News

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